Haven't posted in a while.... life has been pretty crazy, but I'm hanging in there. I DID weigh in for the last two weeks, and here are my results:
May 28th: 139.2 (which was no gain/no loss)
June 4th: 138.6 (down .6)
Not great, but it's better than a gain. Yes, I have been a bit lax on my eating habits, but luckily I have kept up with my workout regimen. Right now I'm pretty steady on 3 days with Claudine, 3 days on my own, and one day to rest.
I've set a goal for myself to get steady under 135 by the end of the month. After that, I will probably try to get to 130 by my 40th birthday. That would be awesome. We'll see how it goes. I don't want to do any kind of crash, high protein/no carb diet just to get to where I want to be.... but I do need to make a few changes in terms of my snacking. I am a cracker/chips snacker... so as long as I keep that stuff out of my house I'll be fine. I have a pair of bright blue skinny jeans that I want to wear to my birthday party... they fit, but I want virtually no muffin top... So I'm working on it!
I'm actually kinda proud of myself for not gaining weight this past month. I've had some intense changes happen in my life that would have totally stressed me out 4-5 years ago. I'm in a better place now in my life to deal with the changes, and I realize everything happens for a reason & in it's own time. I got hit with a whammy, but God had already put some things/people in place to help me absorb the blows. He's pretty good about that kinda stuff! :-)
Have a great Tuesday & I'll post again soon!